VINYL EFFECT: First, lock down your look with Shadow Fix Eye Primer. Swipe on Vinyl Effect Eye Gloss as a final step [post-mascara] for a dewy, radiant finish. Eye Gloss can be worn over Matte Fluid Eye Paint, Fractal Glitter Eye Paint, Shadowsticks or Line Artist Gel Eyeliner. Drip Tip: Just like your favorite lip gloss, you can reapply Vinyl Effect Eye Gloss throughout the day / night for max sheen.
1994: Gently wiggle the wand from the base of lashes to the tips. Build up the drama by layering generously while wet. Use the fine point of the brush to coat every last lash. No curler? No problem. This formula is designed to curl even the straightest lashes. Hot Tip: Effortlessly extend your eye shape upward by focusing on the inner and outer corners of the eye.